Official Statement

Official Statement. 

Ribbon, acrylic. 300×5 cm.


Recently, there has been a reevaluation of the concept of 'home.' In the current situation, it is difficult to feel safe, and safety, in my view, is one of the foundations of the concept of 'home.' Consequently, many people have stopped understanding where their home truly is.

Russia, the place where I was born, has ceased to be a home for me. With every piece of news, with every official announcement coming from Russia, this country drifts further away from me. Whether I will find a new home, I don’t know.

This object is my interpretation of the generalized essence of “official messages” over the past two years.

The work is a black satin ribbon on which the inscription “In this stretch of infinity, your presence in the universe is undesirable” is made in golden letters. The object is stylized as a burial ribbon, and the phrase itself refers to diplomatic bureaucratese.
